Saturday, April 12, 2014

Club de Surfistas del Viento Goes to Australia!

We are launching our new OceanVida Blog today just in time to celebrate a great event.  In March 2013 we created the Club de Surfistas del Viento as part of our Guardianes de la Naturaleza program.  Surf boards were donated by the Share the Stoke Foundation.  The main purpose of the club is to teach local kids living on a remote beach on the Caribbean coast of Colombia to surf and protect the ocean.  On April 8, 2014, six members of our club left for Australia on an unforgettable trip to learn about surfing culture in Australia—invited by the Government of Colombia.  We feel honored that our kids were invited to such an important event, and we want to extent our gratitude to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Colombia.  

See more news about this trip (in Spanish):